Climb Your Mountain

We love the mountains.  Living in Colorado, we get plenty of opportunities to get up out of the city and experience the world in its rugged, natural state. 

We’ve discovered, however, that not everybody loves hiking around in the mountains.  For some, the mountains are an infuriating prospect, because just when you think you’ve climbed the toughest hill, or gone around a bend to the perfect vista, the mountains throw a new hill  or a new obstruction in your way.  We like to say that climbing mountains is less an act of strength than it is an act of will.

Also turns out that mountains make wonderful metaphors.

The challenges you face, whether they’re ones you sought out or just ones that appeared to you, are just like mountains.  You can put your head down and start the climb, or you can stare at the path in front of you and think of all the reasons why you shouldn’t keep going.  And even when you’re able to talk yourself into going, there’s almost always going to be a new mountain just around the bend.

What you have to decide is: are those challenges a matter of strength/talent/knowledge, . . .

. . . or are they a matter of will?

The Gurus of Get It

Published in: on August 6, 2011 at 12:47 am  Leave a Comment  

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